Ivan Compagnucci

Ph.D., Computer Science & Mathematics

About me

Hello Folks!

I’m Ivan Compagnucci, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science and Mathematics in the PROcesses & Services lab research group at the University of Camerino. My research focuses on modeling and monitoring business processes that integrate features, data and concepts concerning the Internet of Things (IoT) world. The goal is to align enterprise or organization business processes with emerging IoT technologies, aiming to achieve a synergy that enables continuous technology innovation.


Here you can find the research papers to request the .pdf file send me a request via email or on ResearchGate.

Journal Paper

Conference Paper


BPMN Inspector

BPMN Inspector, is a web application designed to streamline the inspection process of BPMN models. The inspection process effectively distinguishes various model types (i.e. collaboration, choreography, and conversation) while eliminating the need for manual effort in identifying duplicate models, validity issues, and non-English models. In addition, BPMN Inspector provides detailed insights into the collection of models by investigating the usage of BPMN notation elements, their combinations, syntactic violations of the standard and the adherence to established good modeling practices.


Repository Link


(In Development)

ADAPTIVE SHADOW is a Java tool developed to optimize IoT-Enhanced Business Processes. BPMNGrader

Repository Link

BPMN Grader

(In Development)

BPMN Grader is a Java tool developed to assist teachers in correcting BPMN diagrams. The tool enables annotations to be added to images of BPMN models, indicating errors made by students while modeling the process. The Annotations that can be included in the model are defined by a framework which includes common errors when modeling BPMN diagrams. The aim is to provide graphic and immediate feedback to the student, improving their learning in BPMN process modeling.


Repository Link


BPM 2023 Best Paper Award of the Demonstrations and Resources Forum

BPMN Inspector was awarded at the 21th International Conference on Business Process Management September 11-15 in: BPM 2023 Best Paper Award of the Demonstration and Resources Forum with the paper entitled: BPMN Inspector: A Tool for Extracting Features from BPMN Models.

The contribution was mentioned for its noteworthy “potential impact on BPM practitioners and educators” in the BPM Newsletter of November 2023.